Soul-Centered Guidance 

for the journey of your lifetime.

Drop the judgment. Take a deep breath. Then… book a call with me and let’s have a look inside that beautiful heart of yours.

Readings / Energy Healing / Mentoring


Yes, I’m talking to you!

You who somehow magically found your way to my website.

Don’t worry, you’re in good hands :)

If you’ve found your way to this site, I trust you’re on a profound journey. A journey not many can understand.

You may have recently gone through a big change — yeah one of those really tough ones. The ones you don’t walk away from unscathed.

Maybe you’ve recently gone through a difficult breakup with a long-term partner.

Or maybe you’ve just gotten fired from a job you’ve hated, or maybe you’ve lost a loved one and are struggling to make sense of it all…

Or maybe you just have no idea what you’re doing on this planet we call Earth!

Trust me, I get it. So hear me when I say this: you’re right where you’re meant to be.

No, you’ve done nothing wrong! You are not being punished, judged, or shamed… even though it may feel like everything in the universe is out to get you.

I’ve learned that our higher selves, our true selves, can only really get our attention when we fall to our knees.

When we get to a point where we are truly ready to surrender and let go of what we think we know about life.

When we’re ready to shed those outdated conceptions of ourselves and open up to more…

More truth! More freedom! More ease! More joy! More laughter…

That’s where I come in… My passion is assisting your brave heart in traversing the narrow and windy path that lies in front of you… the path that leads you from the old you to the new you.

Think of me as a guide who is friends with your future self. I see her. I see him.

And I am so excited to mirror your own capacity to heal and lead yourself into a life aligned with the future you. The you that knows why you came to Earth, why you chose this rocky road called life in a human body.

If any of this resonates with your heart then my offerings may be of interest to you.

Whether you just need a quick intuitive reading to hear your heart more clearly or if you’re looking for long-term mentoring and guidance to support the development of your own intuitive capacities, it’d be the honor of my lifetime to support you.

I’m here when you’re ready.

Lots of love,



Max holds space beautifully and helped me see and unpack both my sun and shadow in a container of love, acceptance, and compassion. I didn’t know why I wanted to work with Max in this year long course–it just felt right on a deep level. I now see that the feeling was my soul’s yearning to be seen and heard without the constant judgment and narratives I adopted.

About mE

My name is Max Friedstein (which means Peace Stone in German).

I’ve had one wild journey — just like you!

A journey of awakening that began when I experienced two career-ending knee injuries that forced me to leave my life as a dancer in New York and begin a new journey.

A journey within.

A journey that took me around the physical world and down the rabbit-hole of my Self.

What i do

If there’s one thing I can boil my services down to, its this:

I help awakening beings gracefully (and sometimes not so gracefully!) navigate profound internal and external change. As you’ll quickly come to see, if we work together, these two types of change are truly interconnected. They mirror each other.

Whether you’re just needing a quick tarot reading or desire more long-term support, I will offer you clarity by helping you recognize patterns and order where there is seeming chaos or disorder.

Working together, you’ll develop a keen sense for bull *** and you’ll strengthen your intuition ten-fold. My passion is in supporting you in becoming an empowered intuitive being that knows yourself better than anyone else. So you can live as a beacon of light for yourself and for your community.

  • When we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey.

    Wendell Berry


  • Working with my intuition — which speaks to me through “direct-knowing” (also known as claircognizance) — I share messages that can help you observe your life from a higher perspective, offer clarity, and reconnect you with your inner knowing.

    Learn more

  • Mentored courses that take you down the rabbit hole of your own consciousness. Let’s find out who you are, transform what is not, and create a life aligned with the real you.

    Learn more

  • As a Reiki Master, I channel universal life force energy and work with this intelligence to activate your body’s natural healing capabilities.

    Learn more


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